
Kersey Church of England Primary School

Achieving Potential Together

Eco Council

Our eco council for 2021-2022 are ...

Eco Council Interview

Felix and Rufus interviewed the owner of Adore Nature in Hadleigh.

26th November 2020

Eco Council have been working hard and thinking of ways to make our school more eco friendly. They have been giving up their lunchtimes to create signs to remind everyone to turn off lights and taps. They have shared information with their own classes about what can go in the class recycling bins. Their next job is to write a letter to the local council about recycling as we've discovered that sometimes our recycling bin gets emptied into the same truck as our other waste.

6.10.20 - Otters Eco Council held their very first assembly today. They talked to the other children about how we can save water and electricity and about the importance of recycling. Next time we plan to make bird feeders.
