
Kersey Church of England Primary School

Achieving Potential Together


Home learning - 2nd November 2023


Bad weather closure –

 home learning 3/11/23

     Oak Class


You may choose to complete the task you did not do yesterday (in blue below) or…

Write your own witches spell poem. Earlier in the week we acted out and discussed the witches speech ‘Double double toil and trouble’ from Macbeth. You also planned your own poem in the same style. Have a go at writing your own witches spell. Can you add alliteration for the ingredients (lizards legs) or rhyming couplets (every two lines rhyme at the end)? Think about the beats per line – Shakespeare used 8 for the first and last couplet and 7 for all other lines.


Look out of one of your windows and write a descriptive piece.

Try to include details about each of the senses. What you can see, hear etc.  

Think about neat handwriting and using exciting adjectives, alliteration (pounding in puddles) and maybe even some pathetic fallacy (the raindrops wept around her).


Write or draw a prediction of what you think will happen next to Lucy who is in the cave with Mr Tumnus in ‘The Lion the Witch & the Wardrobe.’


Please also read your reading book to a grown up or sibling in your house or alternatively find a cosy corner and read to yourself.


Continue working on two of the times tables that you find most challenging. Write it out, read it aloud. Watch the Percy Parker song and sing along! Additional challenge: Can you make up your own song to help you remember it?

Photograph challenge – can you find and photograph the following in your home?

parallel lines/symmetry/tessellation

Complete your soundcheck on TT rock stars. Please try to finish a set of 30 questions on mixed multiplication and division.


Mrs Gray would love for you to enter her drawing competition (THERE WILL BE A WINNER).

Your task is to draw a forest/outdoor area/woodland/nature scene on A4 paper. You can use colouring pens or pencils if you wish. In your picture try to include all the things you know about nature. For example, animals, trees, plants, berries, bugs! If you are feeling brave, Mrs Gray would love to see some labels added to your picture so she knows you know the names of these things to.

Please bring your finished drawings into school on Monday to be entered in the competition!



Mrs DPs extra special challenge!

Try and help your grown up, brother or sister with 3 things today as an act of kindness.

Adults, if your child shows an act of kindness at home today, please tell me, as they may be our winning headteachers award and will certainly be receiving house points!

Please only do what you and your child is able to do. This will be different for each family depending on their personal situation today.

Stay warm and safe. Best wishes. x

Home learning - 2nd November 2023

Recommended Reading


Have you read any of these books? Which would you recommend to a friend and why?

If you have any of your own recommendations, let us know and we'll add them to our list!





Home Learning Activities

Autumn Term 2022

June 2022 - Look at the amazing art work we are creating with Mrs Quinn.

Look at all of our fantastic English work based around the book ‘Float’.

4.10.21 - R.E - Why is the Gospel such good news for Christians?

17th September 2021 - Oak class started their clarinet lessons this week ...
